MA in Punjabi - Outcomes
Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)
The dawn of the 21st century and third millennium has, an era qualitatively different from the earlier ones in terms of foundational postulates, value systems, mind set and life styles. Higher education in this century comes face to face with challenges, new tasks and new opportunities. As a significant means of development of human resource, education will have to play a significant role in shaping the 21st century society and the third millennium civilization. The process will affect not only the market economy of the nation as a whole, but also the whole system of higher education, which has to prepare its graduates for participation in the social and the economic development of the country, and the type of the cultural environment and ethics it will need to foster. Information technology is further contributing to this dynamic change and will have major impact on the structure, management and mode of delivery of the educational system.
The department of Punjabi with its Post-graduate programme, intends to preserve and disseminate various aspects and forms of ancient Indian knowledge traditions in modern perspectives. The programme aims at equipping future researchers with the fundamental concepts, theories and practices of different domains knowledge. To empower the students with modern and scientific tools & inter-disciplinary approach and to design such modules to help them in becoming good citizens are some of the main objectives of the course.
The syllabus of M.A. (Punjabi) was revised and restructured earlier in 2004 AD. As per the new guidelines and requirements of the university, this syllabus was again revised/redesigned incorporating credit scheme, inter-disciplinarity and optional subjects under semester system in 2009 AD. In other words, the syllabus was restructured with a futuristic approach, keeping in mind the new challenges of Globalisation and Post-situations.
Course Outcomes (CO)
Semester I
Course Code: PUNCC101
COURSE NAME :Punjabi Lokdhara Ate Sabhiyachar
Students will demonstrate the knowledge of Folk-literature, Folk-traditions and customsrituals of Punjab. Students will examine Punjab’s folklore and culture theoretically and will explore themselves by studying traces of Punjabi culture. Students will be able to understand the current problems occurring in Punjabi society and can try to find the appropriate way to handle them.
Course Code: PUNCC102
COURSE NAME : Punjabi Sufi Kaav
Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the history of Sufism and major events and personalities of Punjabi Sufi Poetry. Students will be able to examine the religious diversity of the middle ages and reflection of human experiences of shared spaces in the society. Students will examine Punjab’s religion and culture through multiple poetic texts. They will develop the sense of awareness about the environment and its various problems and to help them in realizing the inter-relationship between man and environment.
Course Code: PUNCC103
COURSE NAME : Gurmat Kaav
Students will be able to analyze major Medieval Guru Poets, their works and their representations of the human experiences. Students will learn about ethics, ecology, social behaviours and concerns. They will be able to meet the contemporary challenges and solutions.
Course Code: PUNCC104
COURSE NAME :Madhkali Punjabi Birtantak Kaav
Students will be able to analyze major Medieval Qissa poets and Balladry poets, their works and their representations of the human experiences. Students will be able to interpret Medieval narrative poetry within a historical and social context . They will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the major literary movements, figures and works in medieval narrative poetry.
Semester II
Course Code: PUNCC201
COURSE NAME :Aadhunik Punjabi Kavita
Students will understand the common techniques underlying Free Verse and traditional forms of poetry. They will understand the basic terminology and practical elements of poetry. They will be able to learn about the sensitivity of the poet.
Course Code: PUNCC202
COURSE NAME :Punjabi Natak ate Rangmanch
Students will demonstrate an understanding of terms, themes, strategies, and issues of Punjabi Drama. They can express their understanding of the relationship between Punjabi Drama and the historical/cultural contexts in which it was written. They will be able to read and analyze drama of various periods and representing various points of view, including gender, ethnic identity and different cultures.
Course Code: PUNCC203
COURSE NAME :Punjabi Kahaani
Students will have the ability to apply critical and theoretical approaches to the reading and analysis ofconcerned literary texts ofshort-story. Students will be able to identify, analyze, interpret and describe the critical ideas, values, and themes that appear in the prescribed texts and to understand the ways these ideas, values, and themes inform and impact cultures and societies, both during the past and the present.
Semester III
Course Code: PUNCC301
COURSE NAME : Punjabi Novel
Students will have the ability to apply critical and theoretical approaches to the reading and analysis of literary texts in the genres of Novel. Students will be able to identify, analyze, interpret and describe the critical ideas, values, and themes that appear in the prescribed texts and to understand the ways these ideas, values, and themes inform and impact cultures and societies, both during the past and the present. They will understand the social and political concerns of Punjabi society, as reflected in Punjabi fiction.
Course Code: PUNCC302
COURSE NAME : Punjabi Vaartak
Students will demonstrate an understanding of literary terms, themes, strategies, and issues of the Punjabi prose as are relevant to the works being studied. Students will express their understanding regarding Punjabi prose and its historical/cultural contexts in which it was written. Students are expected to gain sufficient knowledge related to various genres of Punjabi prose and are expected to enhance their skill of reading and writing.
Course Code: PUNCC303
COURSE NAME : Punjabi Diaspora Sahit
Students will be able to examine the vastness of Punjabi Literature available across the borders of Punjab. Students will understand the reasons and various aspects of Punjabi migration process and psyche of Punjabi mind towards for being migrated. The students will be able to understand the social, economic and political issues discussed in the diasporic literature.
Course Code: PUNCC304
COURSE NAME :Classical Sahit Chintan
They will undersand the classical traditions of various Indian school of thoughts and will learn the roots of poetics. They will learn the classical traditions of Western school of thoughts and gain knowledge in this regard. They will enrich by the vocabulary of classical poetics.
Semester IV
Course Code: PUNCC401
COURSE NAME :Pachhami Sahit Chintan
Students will have an understanding of major approaches to the study of literature theology, sociology, social ethics, philosophy, history). An understanding of the major methods and interpretive theories in the field of literary studies. Students will develop an ability to propose arguments that present, develop, and defend insightful claims about texts through formal analysis, engagement with existing criticism, and, when appropriate, engagement with primary and secondary material from the historical period. They will develop a feeling of belongingness through the reading of literary theories in the western academics.
Course Code: PUNCC402
COURSE NAME :Punjabi Alochna ate Khoj
Students will have an understanding of major approaches to the study of literature theology, sociology, social ethics, philosophy, history). An understanding of the major methods and interpretive theories in the field of literary studies. Students will develop an ability to propose arguments that present, develop, and defend insightful claims about texts through formal analysis, engagement with existing criticism, and when appropriate, engagement with primary and secondary material from the historical period. They will develop a feeling of belongingness through the reading of literary theories in the western academics.
Course Code: PUNCC403
COURSE NAME :BhashaVigiyaan ate Punjabi Bhasha
Students will have advanced knowledge about Punjabi language and linguistics and insight into variation in various dialects of Punjabi language. They will have in-depth knowledge of selected areas of linguistics, such as, language variation, language development, language learning. They will have advanced knowledge of linguistic theory and research methods in general and corpus approaches in particular. They will understand the phonology, morphology and syntax structure of Punjabi language
Semester I/II/III/IV
Course Code: PUNEC1
COURSE NAME :Tulnatmak Bharti Sahit
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the chronology, narrative, major events, personalities and turning points happened in Indian literature. They will be able to explain the diversity of cultures and the commonalities of human experience reflected in the literature of different Indian languages. They will examine oneself and one’s culture through multiple frames of reference, including the perception of others. They will learn the ethical values described in the world literature.
Course Code: PUNEC2
COURSE NAME : Tulnatmak Vishav Sahit
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the chronology, narrative, major events, personalities and turning points of the history of World Literature. They will be able to explain the diversity of cultures and the commonalities of human experience reflected in the literature of the world. They will examine oneself and one’s culture through multiple frames of reference, including the perception of others from the whole world. They will develop the sense of awareness about the environment and its various problems and to help them in realizing the inter-relationship between man and environment and help to protect the nature and natural resources.
Course Code: PUNEC3
COURSE NAME : Pakistani Punjabi Sahit
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the chronology, narrative, major events, personalities and turning points in the history of Pakistani Punjabi literature. Students will be able to explain the cultural diversity and the similarities of human experience reflected in the literature of East and West Punjab. Students will examine oneself and one’s culture through multiple frames of reference, including the perception of others particularly from Pakistan.
Course Code: PUNEC4
COURSE NAME : Punjabi Media Adhiyan
Students will demonstrate an understanding of terms, themes, strategies and issues of Punjabi media. They can express their understanding of the relationship between Punjabi press and electronic media. They will be able to read and analyze Punjabi media of various periods and representing various points of views.
Course Code: PUNEC5
COURSE NAME :AnuvaadKalaa
Students will have an understanding of major approaches to the study of translation. They will be able to identify, analyze, interpret and describe the critical ideas, values, and themes that appear in literary texts and to understand the ways these ideas, values, and themes, inform and impact cultures and societies both in source language and its translated version. They will be able to improve their skill of translation.
Course Code: PUNEC6
COURSE NAME : Bhagati Kaav
Students will be able to analyze major Medieval Bhagat poets, their works and their representations of the human experiences. Students will be able to interpret Medieval Bhagati Literature within its historical and social contexts. Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the major literary movements, figures and works in Medieval Bhagati Literature.
Course Code: PUNEC7
COURSE NAME : Punjabi Film Adhiyan
Students will demonstrate an understanding of terms, themes, strategies, and issues of Film studies. They will express their understanding of the dialectical relationship between Punjabi Cinema and society. They will be able to read and analyse Punjabi cinema of various periods and representing various points of views.
Course Code: PUNEC8
COURSE NAME : Aadhunik Punjabi Birtantak ate Lambi Kavita
Students will understand the common techniques underlying narrative verse and traditional forms of poetry. It will broaden their vocabulary and develop an appreciation of language and its connotations and denotations. They will understand the basic terminology and practical elements of narrative poetry. They will develop the sense of awareness about the environment and its various problems and help to protect the nature and natural resources.
Semester II/IV
Course Code: PUNOE1
COURSE NAME :Punjabi Lok Sahit
Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the various Folk-traditions of Punjab. Students will be able to examine the diversity of the folk literature and customs of Punjab. Students will be able to understand the current problems occurring in Punjabi society and can try to find the appropriate way to handle them.
Course Code: PUNOE2
COURSE NAME : Punjabi Bhasha ate Computer
They will understand how computer can help in advancement of Punjabi language. They will be able to understand the Typing system, Unicode System and Punjabi Fonts. They will understand the concept of Computational Linguistics.
Course Code: PUNOE3
COURSE NAME : Vishav Dharam ate Naitikta
Students will get a basic knowledge about different religion of world and it will help them to develop understanding in society. Students will learn and understand the ethics of life and social concerns and respect other socities. Students will also get knowledge how to handle different situations in multicultural space, to save natural resources, gender, cast, politics etc. They will demonstrate understanding of the basic teachings and practices of major religious traditions and will be able to compare and contrast the principle of similarities and differences between them. They will demonstrate an ability to read analyze and interpret holy text and related other materials to world religions.
Course Code: PUNOE4
COURSE NAME :KoshkariKalaa ate Punjabi Koshkari
Students will define the field and the aims of lexicology as well as define its main terms and concepts. They will analyze the formation and meaning of words, analyze the vocabulary of a given language. They will describe different types of dictionaries and types of descriptions in dictionaries. They will be able to explain and justify the most suitable lexicographic design for a given type of word and linguistic unit.
Course Code: PUNOE5
COURSE NAME : Hashiyagat Chetna da Punjabi Sahit
Students will demonstrate the knowledge of the concept of subaltern consciousness, its problems. Students will examine the narrative of Punjab through the reading of subaltern literature written in Punjabi language. Students will be able to understand the importance of various issues raised in the prescribed texts.